Mary I Religion timeline

  • Created by: Madyson
  • Created on: 03-04-19 16:19
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  • Mary becomes queen
    • Lady Jean Grey is imprisoned along with Hooper, Ridley and Cranmer
      • First Statute of repeal to remove any form of protestantism
        • Why did it not return to papal supremacy?
        • Royal injunctions were issued
          • All married clergy should give up their wives + families
            • A return to the old order of the church in Latin
              • Re - ordination of the clergy
          • Cardinal Pole returns to England
            • Second Act of repeal to return papal authority and restoration of the monastries
              • First public burning of John Rogers
                • Cardinal Pole made Archbishop of Cantebury
                  • Pope Julius III dies, Pope Paul IV takes his place
                    • Pope Paul IV stripped Pole of his title
                      • Westminster Synod
                        • Mary Dies
                          • What could have happened if she lived longer?
                            • Was this the main reason the reformation failed?
                        • Approved 12 decrees
                          • New Catholic Testement
                            • Seminaries
                              • What were these designed to do?
                      • Why did Pole remain in England?
                        • What did the papal interference do for the reformation
                    • What could've happened if the old pope had remained during Mary's reign?
                  • How did he mainly try to educate and convince the public of protestantism?
                • How did this strengthen / weaken the counter reformation
                  • What could some protestants think about this?
      • Why were they a threat?
        • What does this show of Mary's character?
  • July 1553
  • 1553
  • Oct 1553
  • Nov. 1554
  • Nov. 1554
  • April 1556
  • 1555
  • 1555
  • 1555
  • 1558
  • March 1554
  • Feb 1555


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