Marxism & Culture
- Created by: kaatelynnnnxx
- Created on: 14-04-19 08:47
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- Marxist theories of culture & identity
- Karl Marx on culture
- Origins of culture
- Human culture has a social origin and cannot be seen as deriving directly from nature or from innate instincts in human beings.
- Culture had a material origin in human behaviour.
- Material circumstanceand economic activity shaped human consciousness
- Culture originates from in human productive activity.
- Human culture has a social origin and cannot be seen as deriving directly from nature or from innate instincts in human beings.
- Alienation and culture
- When humans live in freedom, they fulfil themselves through the creative activity of producing things using their imagination.
- Problems arise when human freedom is restricted by the existence of private property.
- Alienation involves a sense of estrangement from the work that people do, from other workers, from what they are producing-because they no longer own it.
- Culture as ruling-class ideology
- Culture is simply an expression of the distorted view of the world advanced by the dominant class.
- The ruling class - the owners of the means of production - use their economic power to shape society's culture.
- All culture in capitalist societies are a product of ruling-class ideology.
- The working class are seen as suffering from false class consciousness and their beliefs and culture will therefore be shaped by the ruling class.
- Culture as the reflection of class differences
- Different classes will always tend to have different cultures because their conditions of material existence are different.
- Engels - People can see through false class consciousness and produce cultural works that show an appreciation of the oppression and exploitation and ruling-class domination
- Origins of culture
- Neo-Marxist theories of culture
- Raymond Williams - Culture & Society
- Working-class culture and bourgeois culture
- The basis of working-class culture was the commitment to acting collectively.
- Working-class culture took shape through trade unions and political parties.
- Cultures are not the automatically determined products of class structures.
- People who are responding to their economic circumstances actively create them.
- The basis of working-class culture was the commitment to acting collectively.
- Working-class culture and bourgeois culture
- Pierre Bordieu - class and culture
- Capital and culture
- Class and culture were closely related. Cultural difference could influence your class position.
- Individuals and groups possessed different types of assets which they could use to achieve success in society.
- Consisted of economic capital (material goods & wealth), social capital (social contacts), symbolic capital (high status & reputation) and cultural capital (education/appreciation of the arts).
- Individuals and groups possessed different types of assets which they could use to achieve success in society.
- Class and culture were closely related. Cultural difference could influence your class position.
- Capital and culture
- Raymond Williams - Culture & Society
- Karl Marx on culture
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