sociology marxism
- Created by: 1ysh
- Created on: 05-10-21 09:35
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- karl max (1818- 83)
- proletariat: those who own nothing but their own labor which they gave to sell to survive
- bourgeoisie: own the means of production (factories, land, money)
- believed the capitalist society is based on the exploitation of the working class
- 5 stages of society according to Marx
- structural theory, conflict theory, marco focus
- features of communism: no such thing as class, government own and distribute wealth so all equal, no private investors
- features of capitalist society: hierarchy with distinct classes, private business with bourgeoise making profit, competition
- features of communism: no such thing as class, government own and distribute wealth so all equal, no private investors
- ideology: our norms and values are what we expect out of life are conditioned to us by the ruling class
- exploitation: a person is exploited if he/she performs more labor than needed to produce the goods they need
- capitalism: a system of the world- private investors have freedom to control productions and flow of goods
- exploitation: a person is exploited if he/she performs more labor than needed to produce the goods they need
- false consciousnes- is an incorrect way of viewing reality. Marxists claim that, like creating a smokescreen, the ruling classes spread ideas that justify their position in society, and persuade the workers to accept their exploitation rather than organizing a revolution
- media, KUTWK, voting, advertising
- primitive communism, co-operative tribal societies
- slave society, development of aristocracy
- feudalism, evolve into capitalists
- capitalism, create and employ the poletariat
- socialism, workers gain class consciousnes
- capitalism, create and employ the poletariat
- feudalism, evolve into capitalists
- 5 stages of society according to Marx
- slave society, development of aristocracy
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