Mark's Gospel- Background
- Created by: eg251099
- Created on: 10-12-15 12:56
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- Mark's Gospel- Background
- What is a Gospel?
- Means "Good News ". It's a written record of Jesus' actions and techings
- Importance of the Gospel
- 21st Century Christians
- Tells us the story of Jesus- life, death and ressurection
- 1st century Christians
- To encourage faith of Christians facing persecution
- 21st Century Christians
- Background to Mark's Gospel
- No precise date- some contents from chapter 13 suggest 70CE
- Why is it no longer relevant to Christians today?
- Language is outdated
- A lot more distractions these days
- Situations are more complex now
- Sources of Mark's Gospel
- Primary
- Peter- no.1 source - Mark quotes Jesus in Aramaic
- Disciples- another close source to Jesus
- Simon of Cyrene and Bartimaeus- eyewitnesses to key events
- Secondary
- Mathews Gospel- could have possibly been written first
- Ur Markus- Early version of the Gospel in Aramaic- possibly written by Mark
- Primary
- How do the sources at authority to the Gospel?
- Improves the reliability of the Gospel
- peter and disciples close to Jesus witness God's acts
- Some quotes in Aramaic proving key events were witnesses
- Improves the reliability of the Gospel
- Themes of the Gospel
- Encourage Faith, To teach, Life of Jesus
- Reasons for writing the Gospel
- Stop the threat of heresy
- Support Christians facing persecution
- Highlight the demands, teachings and rewards of discipleship
- Where was the Gospel written
- Most people think Rome - some think Syria or Egypt
- Why is Mark 1:1 a fitting introduction to the Gospel?
- It clearly shows Mark's intention for his Gospel
- "The beginning of the Gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God"
- What is a Gospel?
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