- Created by: horme0520
- Created on: 15-09-20 13:45
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- Malware
- Anti-virus software
- Provides real time information on whether any files have been infected or not
- When the file is opened the software checks if the file has been infected
- Can identify and quarantine infected files
- Quarantine files - prevents them from being opened, attempts to remove the malware, can destroy the file if needed
- Anti-malware software
- Performs periodic scans of the device
- Detects unknown pieces of software and removes them
- Firewalls
- Either a piece of hardware or software which sits between the device and the internet
- Inspect and filter incoming and outgoing data
- Stops hackers and malware from accessing the network
- Can perform packet filtering
- Inspects all data packets and drops those that don't meet certain requirements
- Only allows traffic from certain known sources and IP addresses
- Prevent denial of service attacks
- Blocks access to certain parts of the network such as Port 22
- Port 22 allows people to access the network remotely
- Through installations
- More commonly known as trojan horse viruses
- Willingly installed while disguised as another software
- Security updates
- Software drivers
- Through attachments
- Opening attachments in emails can include a small program given permission to run on the network
- Word documents
- Excel documents
- Can be set up to install malware
- Opening attachments in emails can include a small program given permission to run on the network
- Through replication
- A worm or a virus can easily spread through a network once it is on there
- This process is called self-replication
- A worm or a virus can easily spread through a network once it is on there
- Anti-virus software
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