- Created by: lizziemaisie
- Created on: 11-04-18 13:15
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- Malaya
- British colony
- Great ethnic mix: 43% Indigenous Malays; 44.7% Chinese; 10.3% Indian
- Indigenous favoured by British
- British colony
- Great ethnic mix: 43% Indigenous Malays; 44.7% Chinese; 10.3% Indian
- Indigenous favoured by British
- Chinese and Indian = cheap labour
- Indigenous favoured by British
- Returns to GBR after WW2
- Malay/Chinese violence grew as GBR showed signs of giving Chinese greater rights
- Malayan Union - 1 April '46 (new Civilian authority)
- Give equal status to Chinese and Malays
- Reward Chinese for resistance against JPN
- Brought in by BMA (British Military Asminstration
- Returns to GBR after WW2
- Malay/Chinese violence grew as GBR showed signs of giving Chinese greater rights
- Malayan Union - 1 April '46 (new Civilian authority)
- Give equal status to Chinese and Malays
- Reward Chinese for resistance against JPN
- Brought in by BMA (British Military Asminstration
- Malays objected to Union - mass peaceful protests - GBR dropped in Feb '48 as they didn't want to lose loyalty of Malays
- Federation of Malaya replaces MU - restores power of traditional Malay rulers
- Give equal status to Chinese and Malays
- Malayan Union - 1 April '46 (new Civilian authority)
- Malaya
- WW2 - occupied by Japanese
- Chinese badly treated during occupation
- Many of the Chinese joined the Malaysian People's Anti-Japanese Army
- MPAJA dominated by Chinese Malaysian Communist Party
- MCP dominated by Chinese want equality - protest against low wages etc.
- MPAJA dominated by Chinese Malaysian Communist Party
- Many of the Chinese joined the Malaysian People's Anti-Japanese Army
- Chinese badly treated during occupation
- THE EMERGENCY('48-'60)
- MCP dominated by Chinese want equality - protest against low wages etc.
- June '48 armed struggle against BMA starts with MCP military wing MRLA
- MRLA defeated in '55 as they were outnumbered ; BMA superior tactics; GBR promised independence and concessions for Chinese
- 1957 - given independence
- BMA thought Soviets were involved (by'51 they know they're not)
- MCP leaders become more radical
- WW2 - occupied by Japanese
- Malay/Chinese violence grew as GBR showed signs of giving Chinese greater rights
- Returns to GBR after WW2
- Malays objected to Union - mass peaceful protests - GBR dropped in Feb '48 as they didn't want to lose loyalty of Malays
- Federation of Malaya replaces MU - restores power of traditional Malay rulers
- Give equal status to Chinese and Malays
- Malayan Union - 1 April '46 (new Civilian authority)
- Malay/Chinese violence grew as GBR showed signs of giving Chinese greater rights
- Great ethnic mix: 43% Indigenous Malays; 44.7% Chinese; 10.3% Indian
- British colony
- Chinese and Indian = cheap labour
- Indigenous favoured by British
- Great ethnic mix: 43% Indigenous Malays; 44.7% Chinese; 10.3% Indian
- WW2 - occupied by Japanese
- Chinese badly treated during occupation
- Many of the Chinese joined the Malaysian People's Anti-Japanese Army
- MPAJA dominated by Chinese Malaysian Communist Party
- MPAJA dominated by Chinese Malaysian Communist Party
- Many of the Chinese joined the Malaysian People's Anti-Japanese Army
- Chinese badly treated during occupation
- THE EMERGENCY('48-'60)
- June '48 armed struggle against BMA starts with MCP military wing MRLA
- MRLA defeated in '55 as they were outnumbered ; BMA superior tactics; GBR promised independence and concessions for Chinese
- 1957 - given independence
- BMA thought Soviets were involved (by'51 they know they're not)
- MCP leaders become more radical
- British colony
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