Major Thoretical Perspectives on Organizational Behaviour: Part 2
- Created by: Honor Anne
- Created on: 02-10-13 12:27
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- Major Theoretical Perspectives on Organizational Behaviour
- Sybolic-Interactionist Perspective
- Managers and employers interacting in work teams
- Managerial theorists study macro levels of behaviour, but Symbolic perspectives look at everyday forms of interaction to understand society
- Georg Simmel (858 - 1918) was interested in how individuals interact with each other.
- Charles Cooley, an American sociologist introduced the 'looking-glass self' motion from Simmel
- Looking at reactions to people around us
- The way we act depends on how people see us or react to us
- George Herbert Mead argued that social reactions revolve around individuals reaching the same understanding through gestures or attitudes
- Workplace activities are widely understood by the employees so motivation and commitment can be encouraged. Employees know what they are doing and they can complete them successfully.
- Feminist Perspective
- Feminist: The belief that men and women are both equal
- Feminists argue most research is done on men by men
- Research by these people are based on....
- Gender differences and how they relate to leadership styles
- Interpersonal Skills
- Discrimination
- Inequality of opportunities in the workplace
- Studies show that senior women managers manage in the same way as male managers
- Sybolic-Interactionist Perspective
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