Macbeth Quotations
- Created by: eh270w7
- Created on: 16-05-23 20:54
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- Macbeth
- Macbeth
- “I have supped full with horrors: Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts” - Act 5 Scene 5
- “My soul is too much charged” - Act 5 Scene 8
- “Canst then not minister to a mind diseased” - Act 5 Scene 3
- “Be it thought and done” - Act 4 Scene 1
- “Sleep in Spite of thunder” - Act 4 Scene 1
- “ ‘Amen’ stuck in my throat” - Act 2 Scene 2
- “So foul and fair a day I have not seen”
- “Macbeth shall sleep no more” - Act 2 Scene 2
- “‘Twas a rough night” - Act 2 Scene 3
- “You have displaced the mirth” - Act 3 Scene 4
- “Thy bones are marrowless”
- “Stars hide your fires, let not see my black and deep desires” - Act 1 Scene 4
- “He’s here in double trust” - Act 1 Scene 7
- “False face must hide what the false heart doth know” - Act 1 Scene 7
- “If It find heaven, must find it out tonight” - Act 3 Scene 1
- “I have lived long enough” - Act 5 Scene 3
- Lady Macbeth
- “It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness”
- “With the valour of my tounge” - Act 1 Scene 5
- “Take me for foul” - Act 1 Scene 5
- “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” - Act 1 Scene 5
- “Leave all the rest to me” - Act 1 Scene 5
- “Those honours deep and broad” - Act 1 Scene 6
- “When you durst do it, then you were a man” - Act 1 Scene 7
- “Dashed the brains out” - Act 1 Scene 7
- “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t” - Act 2 Scene 2
- “Filthy witness” - Act 2 Scene 2
- “A little water cleans us of this deed” - Act 2 Scene 2
- “Noughts had, all’s spent” - Act 3 Scene 2
- “Dwell in doubtful joy” - Act 3 Scene 2
- “What’s done is done” - Act 3 Scene 2
- “Are you a man?” - Act 3 Scene 4
- “Air-drawn dagger” - Act 3 Scene 4
- “What’s done cannot be undone” - Act 5 Scene 1
- “He cannot come out on on’s grave? // Even so?” - Act 5 Scene 1
- “Fiend-like queen” - Act 5 Scene 9
- Witches
- “Fair is foul and foul is fair”
- “I am for the air; this night I’ll spend”
- “By the pricking of my thumbs // something wicked this way comes”
- “Double, double toil and trouble”
- “Be these; juggling fiends no more believed”
- Macbeth
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