Love and Hate Romeo and Juliet Mindmap
- Created by: AnnaTheManateep
- Created on: 12-05-20 11:32
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- Love and Hate
- Romeo and Juliet has lasted throughout the years as young love is still relevant and important
- Benvolio is sceptical about love
- he tells romeo to look elsewhere than Rosaline at the start
- he believes he could be just as happy with someone else
- he tells romeo to look elsewhere than Rosaline at the start
- Paris
- he has the same view of love as elizabethan society
- operated through Capulet as would have been normal in Elizabethan society
- he still grieves for Juliet and calls her his one love
- however this is formal compared to Romeo's grief
- he still grieves for Juliet and calls her his one love
- operated through Capulet as would have been normal in Elizabethan society
- he knows little of love
- tells Juliet "I am sure that you love me"
- he has the same view of love as elizabethan society
- The Nurse
- she has a shallower view of love
- interested mainly in physical appearence
- sexual love
- she's happy to arrange the wedding night
- "Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days"
- sexual love
- she doesn't seem to care if Juliet commits bigamy with Paris and tries to persuade her
- this could be an attempt to make things easier for Juliet
- interested mainly in physical appearence
- The Nurse does love Juliet and will do anything for her
- she has a shallower view of love
- Lord and Lady Capulet
- they value material things - status and power - more than love
- they think marriage for a women is only for status and power
- Lord Capulet assumes Juliet will be happy with Paris as it will increase her status
- because of this, he doesn't consult her
- at the start he does want Paris to woo her and for Juliet to want to marry him but this changes by the end of the play
- Lord Capulet assumes Juliet will be happy with Paris as it will increase her status
- they think marriage for a women is only for status and power
- They do have parental love for Juliet
- They grieve a lot when she dies
- they value material things - status and power - more than love
- There is hate between the Montagues and Capulets
- Lady Capulet wants Tybalt's death to be avenged
- "For blood of ours, shed blood of Montague"
- She calls Romeo a "villain" and "traitor murderer"
- from the servants to the lords
- Benvolio tries to the stop the feud
- The Prince and the Friar both want to end the feud
- The Friar hopes that their marriage will end it
- "to turn your households rancour to pure love"
- The Prince threatens death to anyone who fights anymore
- The Friar hopes that their marriage will end it
- Even Lord Capulet doesn't let Tybalt fight Romeo at the party
- The Prince and the Friar both want to end the feud
- Even Romeo is tired of the fighting
- Tybalt hates the Montagues the most
- "to strike him dead I hold it not a sin" about Romeo
- "what, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee"
- Lady Capulet wants Tybalt's death to be avenged
- the Friar has a fear of love that's too hasty or passionate
- "These violent delights have violent ends"
- Lord and Lady Montague have parental love for Romeo
- they are upset by his depression at the start of the play
- Lady Montague dies of grief at Romeo's exile
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