Long Term Psychological Preparation
- Created by: jakehogan123
- Created on: 20-04-17 11:52
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- Long Term Psychological Preparation
- Goal Setting
- Goals need to be SMARTER: Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Time-bound, Exciting, Recorded
- Types of Goal
- Outcome Goals: concerned with an end product such as winning a competition
- Performance Goals:relate to direct performance such as performing a personal best
- Process Goals: are centred on technique such as improving tennis serve
- Why is goal setting important?
- Increases motivation
- Builds self confidence and reduces anxiety and control arousal
- Provides performer with structured pathway for development
- Problems with goal setting
- Unrealistic goals can reduce motivation
- Too many goals can reduce motivation and reduce organisation
- The time frame for completion is out if reach, can reduce motivation
- Performance Profiling
- What does Performance Profiling achieve
- Identifies areas that require psychological interventions
- To aid motivation and adherence to the programme
- To allow athletes to compare with and copy successful/ elite performers
- To identify your psychological skills training
- What does Performance Profiling achieve
- Rituals
- Common rituals include
- Opening and closing ceremonies
- National anthems before games
- Superstition before a game
- Shaking hands before and after a match
- Common rituals include
- Attribution Theory
- Internal Factors: A factor the athlete has control over
- External Factor: A factor normally beyond the athletes control
- Luck
- When losing the coach will attribute the loss to luck and task difficulty as they are external reasons
- When winning the coach will attribute the victory to internal reasons such as ability and effort
- Learned Helplessness: When an individual perceives defeat as inevitable, decision is made based on past experience. These performers have low self-esteem.
- Motivation
- Intrinsic Motivation: It is the drive to play sport for joy, satisfaction. It is to actually take part in the sport.
- Extrinsic Motivation: External rewards such as praise from a coach, money or trophies
- Achievement Motivation
- Nach: Need To Achieve Select challenging risks, take risks, don't fear failure, perform better when being evaluated
- Naf: Need to avoid Failure, seek low risk challenges, perform worse when being evaluated, take easy options, avoid shame and humiliation, tend to give up easily
- Group Cohesion
- Factors affecting group cohesion
- Environmental: age, club membership, location, employment, or ethos
- Personal: belief in the group, a desire to win, desire to achieve excellence
- Leadership: the influence of the coach or manager in building identity and affiliation
- Team: in relation to the group as a whole, targets set, the ability and role of each member of the group
- Task Cohesion: the degree to which performers of a group work together to achieve common goals
- Social Cohesion: the degree to which members of a team are like each other and interact accordingly
- Building Group Cohesion
- Forming- the group meets and is assembled
- Storming- heightened tension may develop as roles in team are established
- Norming- rules and standards of behaviour are agreed as cohesion is built
- Performing- the group matures and work together
- Factors affecting group cohesion
- Goal Setting
- Ability
- Task Diff
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