- Created by: LouisaCarson
- Created on: 15-05-16 18:32
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- Linda
- Teenager
- Still protective over Mickey
- "Leave him alone y' big worm"
- "You stay where y' are Mickey"
- "Take no notice Mickey"
- Linda willingly gets herself suspended by standing up for Mickey
- Linda tells Mickey she loves him "all over the place" - openly expresses feelings
- 'Summer sequence' - fun-loving
- Despite admitting her emotions about Mickey, Linda doesn't see herself as his girlfriend as he "hasn't asked" - conforming to gender roles
- Still protective over Mickey
- Adult
- Linda falls "pregnant" out of wedlock just like Mrs Johnstone - trapped in cycle of poverty
- While Mickey loses his job Linda 'watches' - she can no longer protect him
- Linda is 'weighed down' by the struggle of Mickey's addiction
- "She's washed a million dishes" - Linda has become mundane
- She has a 'light romance' with Eddie - she is desperate and lonely
- "We've got our own place an' I think I've got Mickey a job" - still protecting and caring for Mickey
- "There's a girl inside the woman" - still innocent - stolen youth/ childhood
- Child
- Protective over Mickey
- 'Linda moves in to protect Mickey'
- Linda claims to have "stopped it with the bin lid"
- Linda is 'undaunted' by Sammy as she protects Mickey
- "Leave him alone"
- "Let's throw some stones at them windows" - mischievous
- Linda is from a working class background like Mickey. She too is moved into a 'new town'
- 'Linda takes the gun and fires. We hear a metallic ping' - capable while Mickey is inadequate - links to her getting him a job and house
- Protective over Mickey
- Teenager
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