unit 7
- Created by: Primrose
- Created on: 12-06-15 00:52
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- Lifetyle factors which impact on health
- Alcohol consumption
- If consumed excessively, it can cause health concernss
- Malnutrition
- Cirrhosis
- Caused by the prolonged abuse of alcohol
- Causes liver failure or death
- Stroke
- sudden and severe distruption of blood flow to the brain caused by dead tissue cells
- Depression
- Can be caused when someone becomes dependant on alcohol
- If consumed in moderation, it can be beneficial to health
- Reduces the risk of heart disease
- The recommended daily allowance is 3-4 units for men and 2-3 units for women
- If consumed excessively, it can cause health concernss
- Stress
- Stress is a physiological and mental response stressors which occur in our envioronemt
- Stress exposes your body to excess levels of stress hormones. These hormones lower your bodies resistance to disease, increasing your chance of disease
- Stroke, can be caused by stress as stress causes hypertension. People with a high blood pressure are more at risk of suffering a stroke
- Stress is a contributing factor to suffering a heart attack as it increases the risk of coronary heart disease
- Stress exposes your body to excess levels of stress hormones. These hormones lower your bodies resistance to disease, increasing your chance of disease
- Stress is a physiological and mental response stressors which occur in our envioronemt
- Physical activity
- recommendations and guidelines
- it is reccomended to benefit from exercise come from doing at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week
- Performing short bursts of exercise can make it easier to reach daily physical target
- People who are overweight or obese are recommended to increase thier daily exercise time
- Benefits
- Physical
- Increases flexibility
- Bones become stronger
- Social
- reduces isolation
- Improves social skils
- Economic
- Reduces health costs
- Enhances productivity
- Psychological
- Relives stress
- Boosts self esteem
- Reduces the risks of diet related diseases
- Physical
- recommendations and guidelines
- Diet
- Consuming a good diet is beneficial to health. A good diet includes a balanced diet which includes the recommended taily alloawance
- Decreases risk of getting chronic diseases as eating well improves immune system function
- Increases your energy and vitality
- Prevents weight gain as well as contracting a chronic disease to some degree
- Consuming a bad diet, affects your health in a negative way
- Consuming a good diet is beneficial to health. A good diet includes a balanced diet which includes the recommended taily alloawance
- Smoking
- Contains nicotine
- Nicotine is a drug which causes adiction
- It increases the heart rate and blood pressure
- Contains Tar
- Contains carcinogens,chemicals which can cause cancer
- Increase the risk of health diseases such as, coronary heard disease, cancer and lung infections
- Coronary heart disease is the disease caused by a deposition of fatty substance in the coronary arteries,this reduces reduction of blood flow to the heart through the coronary arteries.
- Contains nicotine
- Alcohol consumption
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