Lifestyle Diseases
- Created by: Elise_parfitt
- Created on: 08-05-19 10:46
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- Impact Of Training On Lifestyle Diseases
- Stroke
- A stroke is caused by either a blockage in a cereal artery cutting off the blood supply to the brain or a blood bursting within or on the surface of the brain.
- Atherosclerosis
- The build-up of fatty deposits that from a hard plaque on the arterial walls.
- This progressively narrows the lumen, reduces the space for blood flow and increases the likelihood of blood clots forming.
- Arterial walls become thick and hardened, reducing their ability to vasodilate and vasoconstrictto regulate blood pressure.
- Overtime, chronic high blood pressure known as hypertension can develop, which is often the first indicator of this disease.
- The build-up of fatty deposits that from a hard plaque on the arterial walls.
- Heart Attack
- If a piece of fatty plaque breaks away from an arterial wall, a blood clot may form.
- If the clot suddenly, severely, or totally blocks a coronary artery, it will cut off oxygen supply to an area of the cardiac muscle causing death of cells and permanent damage.
- If a piece of fatty plaque breaks away from an arterial wall, a blood clot may form.
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Results from atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood.
- The reduction in blood flow and oxygen supply limits the cardiac muscle's ability to respire and an angina or heart attack may occur.
- Results from atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood.
- The Effects Of Training
- Regular Training Can:
- Increase coronary circulation as coronary arterioles gain an increased diameter and density.
- Lead to cardiac hypertrophy, increased ventricular contractility and stroke volume.
- Which increases the efficiency of the heart, resting heart rate can lower and the strain on the heart is reduced.
- Decrease blood viscosity and the resistance to blood flow.
- Decrease body fat and help to manage weight
- Prevent the hardening and loss of elasticity in the arterial walls due to regular vasoconstriction and dilation.
- Increase blood flow and oxygen transportation to muscle cells.
- Reduce the levels of blood lipids and overall cholesterol and increase the proportion of HDL to LDL cholesterol.
- Reduce the risk of a stroke by 27% by lowering blood pressure and maintaining a healthy weight.
- Regular Training Can:
- Stroke
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