Life chances: Social class, income & wealth
- Created by: ssaidi23
- Created on: 06-04-22 09:32
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- Life chances : social class, income and wealth
- Class affects life chances from birth
- In education, a child's chance of achieving good results are higher if they're in a higher social class
- Social class affects how long a person lives (jobs)
- Goldthorpe & Payne said working class are most likely to become unemployed
- UK has a large inequality of wealth and income
- Income - inward flow of money over time eg. wages, benefits, pension
- Wealth - total value of possessions held by individuals eg. land, car, watch
- Can differ between those who inherit (ascribed) it and those who earn it (achieved)
- Dorling et al (2007) wealth and poverty is increasingly concentrated in certain social classes, as well as geographically.
- Poverty - urban areas
- Wealth - countryside
- Westergaard and Resler (1976)
- between 1913 and 1960 the difference in income between manual and non-manual male workers increased by 9%
- For example, the gap between rich and poor got wider
- between 1913 and 1960 the difference in income between manual and non-manual male workers increased by 9%
- Weber - class situation
- defined as a key factor determining a person's life chances
- Resulting from their location in property and market relations
- defined as a key factor determining a person's life chances
- Marx - class situation is a persons class position in the heirarchy
- is the most important factor in determining peoples life chances
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