Life after death
- Created by: vezting
- Created on: 10-01-16 12:36
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- life after death
- compelling reasons for life after death
- scared of dying/ death experience
- hard to accept only physical life
- morality only fulfilled when good are rewarded by heaven and bad punished in hell
- sanctity of life, why end so quickly?
- why not to believe
- death is biological function
- notion of life after death is meaningless
- emperical evidence at end of life makes it impossible for there to be a physical afterlife
- you cant speak of 'life after death' as a thing becuase life and death are mutally exclusive states
- relationship of body and soul
- monoism: body and soul are one entity life after death involves them both
- dualism: mind and body are seperate entities although they can influence each other, only the sould/mind lives on
- - if only soul survives then there will be no character left
- how does the emperical evidence for end of life explain monoistic view?
- Russel suggests nothing survived as mind is liked to brain and brain to our physical body
- Near-death experiences
- when someone dies and is then resuscitated
- the following is said to happen- float out of body, arrive at place of light, met dead relative, were given choice to return
- psychologist Moody noticed problems
- could easily be a dream
- peace may be to do with drugs
- subconscious memories
- nothing is verified
- Reincarnation
- transmigration of the soul
- reincarnated people remember pervious lives, show physical marks similar to those in previous life
- hinduism
- sould is reborn upon death
- soul recieves higher or lower rebirth depending on how their life was lived
- good or bad actions are called karma
- cycle continues until the soul achieves nirvana and is reunited with Brahman
- gross body is physical body
- soul is subtle body and is reincarnated, bit not only on earth
- problems- not everyone remmebers previous life,
- rebirth is a Buddhist concept
- person is made of physical body and 4 mental elemnets- feeling, perception, moral will, consciousness
- character aspects are reborn into another person
- rebirth governed by karma
- soul will eventually achieve nirvana
- criticisms- no verification, no proof for memory retained, is rebirth life after death? its difficult to understand,
- bodily ressurection
- judgment day, dead will become eternal
- when Christ was resurrected he had bodily form
- resurrected person not same as one that died, will have characteristics eternal
- john hick- replica theory, omnipotent will be able to create replica complet with character, however replicas aren't as valuable as origional
- criticisms- if we die we cannot be brought back, will we have perfect health?,
- resurrected person not same as one that died, will have characteristics eternal
- when Christ was resurrected he had bodily form
- judgment day, dead will become eternal
- immortality of the soul
- soul cannot die because it is spiritual
- Plato- body belongs to physical world and so will die, soul belongs to higher realm
- soul existed before birth and will continue
- Plato- body belongs to physical world and so will die, soul belongs to higher realm
- Kant argued- purpose of existence is to achieve complete goodness
- we cannot do this in one lifetime
- by granting us eternal life we can achieve this
- if this is just a soul- is this really a life? how will we interact?
- soul cannot die because it is spiritual
- compelling reasons for life after death
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