Libertarinism Free Will and Determinism
- Created by: mohammed2298
- Created on: 03-05-17 10:30
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- Libertarianism, Free Will and Determinism Definitions
- Hard Determinism the theory that every events including human actions and behaviours are determined by external factors so we do not have free will. Thus are not morally responsible for our actions
- Free Will
- Liberty of indifference is freedom to make choices that are not constrained by genetics background or upbrining
- Libertarianism the theory that humans have genuine freedom to make to undermined choices so are responsible for their actions. Though external factors may partially influence our behaviour
- Liberty of Spontaneity is freedom to act in accord with one's own nature and wishes, Though one's own nature and wishes are determined by genetics background and upbringing
- Liberty of indifference is freedom to make choices that are not constrained by genetics background or upbrining
- Libertarianism the theory that humans have genuine freedom to make to undermined choices so are responsible for their actions. Though external factors may partially influence our behaviour
- Soft Determinism the theory that humans actions are determined by causal events but free will exists if its defined as the ability to act according to one's nature. Thus people are responsible for their actions.
- Liberty of Spontaneity is freedom to act in accord with one's own nature and wishes, Though one's own nature and wishes are determined by genetics background and upbringing
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