Libertarianism and authoritarianism 10 marker
- Created by: Rachellowe
- Created on: 04-04-18 14:30
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- Libertarian and authoritarian 10 marker
- Libertarianism
- Individual rights
- Minimal state
- Laissez Faire economics
- Libertarianism does not require individuals to reject traditional conservative values
- Hayek and Fried are both libertarian conservative
- Ronald Reagan - "I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism".
- It combines right libertarianism with conservative values.
- It prioritises liberty as its main idea whilst also promoting free expression, freedom of choice and free market economics
- Authoritarianism
- Maistre - revolution would weaken the chains that bind people together and lead to a decent into chaos and oppression
- Populist leaders mould their own ideas on the wishes of the common people.
- Juan Peron - Argentina (more associated with fascism)
- Burkean conservatism
- Cautious
- Modest
- Pragmatic
- Suspicious of fixed principles
- Hobbes - life would be 'nasty brutish and short' if people weren't given protection
- preservation of order – provides people with safety and security.
- Paternalistic conservatism
- The New Right attempts to merge economic libertairianism and social authoritarianism
- Libertarianism
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