- Created by: Q_
- Created on: 09-06-19 19:16
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- Can liberalism be reconciled to conservatism?
- NO
- Liberals have an optimistic view of human nature; conservatives are sceptical.
- Liberals see rationalism's central to human behaviour; conservatives stress habit, emotion and instinct.
- Liberals prioritise individual liberation; conservatives stress order and restraint.
- Liberals see individuals as potentially autonomous, conservatives see individuals as communal.
- Liberals extol free-market capitalism; traditional conservatives are more sceptical and protectionist.
- Liberalism and conservatives support private property and capitalism.
- Liberals and conservatives see inequality of outcome as a sign of liberty.
- Liberals and conservatives deny the inevitability of class conflict.
- Modern liberals and conservatives support gradual reform and reject revolution.
- Neo-liberals and New Right conservatives reject Keynesian economics and champion a more laissez-faire economy.
- NO
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