Legal and Moral Obligations are entirely different; one can easily have one without the other
- Created by: gracetsp
- Created on: 02-04-15 14:02
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- Legal and Moral Obligations are entirely different; one can easily have one without the other
- Natural law
- Hobbes
- The Upshot
- if Leviathan stops offering security then it legitimately vanished
- Mill (Utilitarianism)
- No necessary link between law and morality
- Fallability
- Pointlessness
- Desirability of debate for its own sake
- No necessary link between law and morality
- Finnis
- Teleological - Aristotle (Eudiamonia)
- 7 basic goods & 9 characteristics of reason
- lex iniustia non lex est?
- Dworkin?
- Hobbes
- Legal Positivism
- Austin
- Law is a system of commands backed by threats, and issued by a soveriegnhabituallyobeyed.
- Hart
- Law is a system of commands backed by threats, and issued by a soveriegnhabituallyobeyed.
- Rule of recognition
- Source Thesis
- Obliged/Have an obligation
- No necessary link - Nazi Germany (Hart/Devlin debate)
- Open texture of law: Wittgenstein/Ayer
- Rule of recognition
- Open texture of law: Wittgenstein/Ayer
- No necessary link - Nazi Germany (Hart/Devlin debate)
- Lon Fuller
- Denies seperation thesis - morality of duty and aspiration
- Fidelity of Law (on Hart)
- Law has its own internalmorality
- Story of Rex
- Austin
- Natural law
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