Learning Theories
- Created by: lukeneedham
- Created on: 11-05-16 08:58
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- Learning Theories
- Operant Conditioning
- Manipulating behaviour to shape the correct response through the use of reinforcement.
- Stronger the S-R Bond, more likely correct response
- Reinforcement is a process where S-R Bond is developed.
- Punishment: Seeks to break S-R Bond, gives stimulus to prevent response occurring.
- Positive: Achieved by rewarding the correct response, strengthening the S-R Bond.
- Negative: Gives aversive action to wrong response, then stopping when learner corrects, strengthens S-R Bond.
- Schema Thoery
- Recall Schema
- Initial conditions
- Before movement
- Response specifications (What is required?)
- Recognition Schema
- Sensory consequences - Kinaesthesis
- During/After Movement
- Response outcomes
- Recall Schema
- Insight Learning
- Learner has a sudden leap of understanding and experiences a rapid improvement in performance.
- 'Getting the knack'
- Learner has a sudden leap of understanding and experiences a rapid improvement in performance.
- Observational Learning
- Learning a skill by copying or modelling ourselves on another person.
- Psycho-motor
- Motivation - Learner won't perform skill unless motivated to.
- Motor production - Leaner must have reached sufficient stage of physical development.
- Perception
- Retention - Visual model must be retained (create mental image).
- Attention - Performer must attend to demonstration
- Operant Conditioning
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