Why was there lawlessness in the West?
- Created by: Bethan Jones
- Created on: 16-02-15 16:27
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- Lawlessness in the West
- Geography
- Vast area
- Slow transport
- Political factors
- Mining and cow towns sprang up quickly
- Shortage of reliable law-enforcement officers
- Not considered important enough to spend money on training
- Economic factors
- Cowboys/ Townspeople
- Homesteader / Ranchers
- Cattle barons/ Small ranchers
- Social factors
- Ethnic groups
- Chinese, Europeans, Indians
- Mexicans, settlers from east USA
- Soldiers struggled to readjust to life after Civil War
- Ethnic groups
- Values and Attitudes
- Dominated by primitive code of honour
- Settle things yourself
- Most Westerners carried guns
- Legal to shoot someone in self-defence
- Dominated by primitive code of honour
- Geography
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