- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 10-06-18 20:11
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- Lawlessness
- Key problems in the West
- Isolation- difficult for law enforcement to cover mass areas
- Culture of violence- everyone carried guns. 31 deaths a year in Aurora
- Poverty- growing unemployment and small chances of becoming rich
- New crimes- Claim jumping (stealing land where thought to be gold) Road agents (commit highway robbery)
- Disorderly life- male dominated environments increased crime
- Racism- crimes against chinese migranrs increased due to racial tensions. Whites stole from them. Courts and government dicriminated against chinese
- Law enforcement- not enough to cover settlements and crimes went unpunished
- Gangs- rival gangs caused murder and violence
- Poor court system- punishments were fast and simple from whipping to hanging. Judges didnt know much about law
- How did government take action?
- US Marshalls appointed by president to be responsible for states ro territories
- If territories had more than 5000 people, they could choose a sheriff, they'd carry out law enforcement
- Town marshalls elected yearly. Dealt with local brawls and were respected peace makers
- Problems facing law enforcement
- Geography- Territories were huge and took days of marshalls to hear of trouble
- Government Limitaitions- Government didnt spend much on law enforcement- corruption common place
- Lack of training- Sheriffs had no legal training and didnt always act fairly
- Local enforcement- communities often created their own law enforcement
- Key problems in the West
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