Law Making Diagram

  • Created by: Sienna110
  • Created on: 02-11-20 09:15
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  • Influences
    • Specific events
      • Dunblane massacre
    • Pressure groups
      • Snowdrop campaign
    • Social media
      • Sensationalism
  • Legislative Process
    • Green
    • White
    • First
    • Second
    • Committee
    • Report
    • Third
    • Other house
    • Royal Assent
  • Delegated Legislation
    • Orders In Council
      • Queen & privy council
      • Civil Contingency Act 2004
      • Affects whole public (emergency)
    • Statutory Instruments
      • Government ministers and teams
      • Affects general public
      • Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
    • By Laws
      • Local authority
      • Affects local issues
      • Prohibition of alcohol in certain areas of Freshney Place
  • Parliamentary Controls
    • Scrutiny Committee
      • Negative Resolution
        • Amending Act
          • Positive Resolution
            • Pre Drafting Consultation
              • Super Affirmative Resolution
                • 60 days to make resolution
              • consult with relevant parties
            • not law unless approved by parliament
          • create & change law
        • law in 40 days, not often looked at
      • most effective
  • Judicial Controls
    • At
      • By
        • Called
          • Declare
            • Procedural Ultra Vires - not follow procedure
              • Aylesbury Mushrooms
            • Substantive Ultra Vires - void & no effect
              • Fire Brigades Union
            • Wednesbury Unreasonable - case is unreasonable
              • Swindon NHS Trust
          • Judicial review
        • Anyone with interest
      • High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
  • Precedent
    • Binding
      • R V Brown
    • Original
      • D V S
    • Persuasive
      • lower courts  privy council dissenting judges        obiter dicta other countries
    • Follow
      • Overrule
        • Reverse
          • Distinguish
            • R V Wilson
          • R V Eisenhower
        • BRB
      • R V Brown
    • Stare Decisis
      • Hierachy
        • Law report
          • Ratio Decidendi
            • Obiter Dicta
  • Statutory Interpretation
    • Literal Rule
      • Cheeseman/Berriman
    • Golden Rule
      • Adler/ RE Sigsworth
    • Mischief Rule
      • Smith/RCN
    • Purposive
      • R V Bentham
    • Ejsdem Generis
      • Hobbs
    • Noscitur A Sociis
      • Harris
    • Expressio unius est exclusion alterius
      • Tempest


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