Background of law
- Created by: mmcbride
- Created on: 26-04-17 20:11
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- Background of law
- Types of law
- Common law
- Decided upon precedents set by 'similar cases'
- Based upon the judicial system
- Settles disputes between individuals
- Burden of proof - beyond reasonable doubt
- Criminal law
- Creating laws for protection of society as a whole and providing punishment for those who break it
- Usually conducted by the CPS
- Burden of proof: beyond reasonable doubt
- Common law
- Statute law
- Act of Parliament
- Passed by parliament as legislation
- Law is proposed, discussed, accepted or rejected
- Green Paper
- Government proposal for a new law
- Aim is to get feedback and debate
- White Paper
- Government statement outlining new policy or proposal for a bill
- Draft bill
- Preliminary version of how a proposed act will look
- Bill
- Government proposed act ready for debate in house of commons & lords
- Public law
- C - controls how the government sorts out constitutional matters
- A - controls how the ministers and public bodies should operate and make decisions
- C - part of public law as committing a crime goes against society
- Private law
- Deals with the 'smooth running' of society e.g. employment law
- Types of law
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