mindmap of larkin annotations
- Created by: chloe
- Created on: 11-12-12 10:44
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- Larkin poems- Dreams and Reality
- Essential Beauty- Alliterative, shows a locked past life and equally shows a need for materialistic goods the so many people seem to value
- Love songs in age- Personification of music sheets. A woman rediscovers old music sheets making her remember her youth and therefore the hope she felt
- Reality dissapoints our romantic view of love
- Structure- ABACBCDD
- Untitled
- Structure- ABACBCDD
- Reality dissapoints our romantic view of love
- Wild Oats- He's clinging onto something that was never his.
- Settles for the lesser of the two girls believing that he is not good enough for the 'English rose'
- Sructure- Irregular rhyme scheme which could possibly mirror Larkins unsure view on how to behave towards women
- Settles for the lesser of the two girls believing that he is not good enough for the 'English rose'
- Essential Beauty- Alliterative, shows a locked past life and equally shows a need for materialistic goods the so many people seem to value
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