Language Features ALEVEL English combined
- Created by: Lily Jeyes
- Created on: 14-06-21 10:30
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- Pragmatics
- How does context influence a writers lexical choices?
- Use of diexis
- Purpose of the language user- Narrator might might want you to do something specific, not just for info or entertainment
- What is imlied by the linguistic fetures?
- Discourse
- Narrative
- How does the text fit together, including with other texts
- Fluency features (contractions, pronouns, deixis, spoken markers 'so' 'right' 'okay'
- Non-fluency features (fillers, pauses, repetition, false starts)
- Graphology
- Paragraphs
- Layout, shape, space
- Images
- Typography
- Lexis and Semantics
- Modifiers- decriptive, evaluative, factual and technical
- Pre/Post modification
- Nouns (proper, abstract, concrete) Verbs (material, relational, mental, verbal, dynamic) Pronouns (personal, demonstrative, indefinite)
- Euphamisms/Dysphemisms
- Semantic effects (Metaphors, Similies, symbols, puns, ambiguity)
- Phonetics/ Phonology/ Prosodics
- Phonological manipulation (Obvious phonetic effects such as alliteration, rhythm, multi-modality- these create an informal register because they correlate with children's writing
- Subtle phonetic effects (assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, non-lexical onomatopoeia)
- Phonemes (types of sounds- fricative, affricates)
- Emphasis through word stress (indicated through graphology in written texts)
- Grammar
- Sentence functions (declaritive, interrogative, imperative)
- Noun phrases/ Verb phrases (active/passive)
- Modal auxiliary verbs (can, could, will, would, may, might etc)
- Sentence clauses (simple, compound, complex, minor, elliptical)
- Pragmatics
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