Labour during Thatcher
- Created by: Amy
- Created on: 17-03-14 21:57
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- Labour Party during Thatcher years
- Between 1979 and 1992 it lost four elections in a row
- Labours strong links wth the unions seemed to reflect indstrial strife
- "Longest suicide note in history"
- Michael Foot
- Made leader in 1980 - seen a success for left wing labour MPs
- Tony Benn had interpreted Labour's defeat in 1979 as not left wing enough. Urged party to embrace socialist ideas and not tamper with capitalist ones
- Not happy with left wing party attitudes. Number of Labour MPs broke away in 1981 to form SDP
- Split vote: gained 1/4 of vote in 1983 but only real success
- The 1983 Election
- Led by Michael Foot - suffered humiliating defeat.
- Uninspiring campaign
- Weakened by internal disputes
- Falklands factor
- Kinnock's Reforms
- MF replaced by NK in 1983
- Layed the base of modernisation on the party
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