Labour Party Divisions 1951-64
- Created by: 14randalloli
- Created on: 12-06-20 09:53
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- Labour Party Divisions 1951-64
- Bevan
- Until 1957, opposed nuclear arms
- Changed mind in favour in 1957
- Left-wing of the party
- Until 1957, opposed nuclear arms
- Nuclear weapons
- Left-wing joined CND
- Disarmament agreed 1960
- Fierce union opposition to Gaitskell (who wanted disarmament)
- Gaitskell
- Right-wing of the party
- For nuclear disarmament
- Bevanite Quarrel
- Argument of people having to pay for NHS subscriptions
- Money needed for Korean War (1950-53)
- Argument of people having to pay for NHS subscriptions
- Leadership
- Bevan and Gaitskell both went for party leadership after Attlee stepped down (1955)
- Clause IV
- Gaitskell had the idea to abolish the clause in 1959
- Rejected
- Committed party to nationalisation
- Gaitskell had the idea to abolish the clause in 1959
- Bevan
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