Laboratory experiments:
- Created by: Steff06
- Created on: 28-04-16 18:17
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- Laboratory experiments:
- Definition:
- Conducted in a well controlled environment.
- Independent variable is manipulated.
- Control group is used as a baseline to compare our results to.
- Strengths:
- Cause and effect can be established as we can see the effect of the IV on the DV.
- Easy to replicate as a standardised procedure and controls are used.
- Limitations:
- Lacks ecological validity which makes it hard to generalise the findings as the conditions are artificial.
- Demand characteristics present as participants are aware they are involved. Reduce reliability and validity.
- Ethical issues - Deception about real aims of experiment and testing on humans.
- Research:
- Janis and Feshbach
- Loftus
- Nemeth and Wachtler
- Asch
- Pennington and Hastie
- Penrod and Cutler
- Pickel
- Castellow
- Geer and Maisel
- Budzynksi
- Cutler
- Pickel
- Bruce
- Definition:
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