C + D Topic 2 : Labelling Theory
- Created by: Deborah Mercy
- Created on: 26-03-13 17:28
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- Labelling Theory
- Social construction of crime
- LT: How is something labelled as a crime/ why it is known as a crime
- Becker: Deviance is in the eye of the beholder
- New laws have 2 effects: creates a new group of outsiders + expands control agencies
- Platt: Victorial moral entreprenuers came up with the term 'juvinile delinquency'
- Who gets labelled?
- Young, Working Class
- People are arrested, etc. for the interaction with agencies of control, appeance + background + biography, situation of the offence
- Cicourel: negotation of justice
- Police use typifications (sterotypes) to arrest indivudals so their decisions are bias
- Justice is not fixed but negotable
- Topic vs. Resource
- Police statistics cannot be taken at face value
- Police stats. should be taken as topics to investigate
- Effects of labelling
- Causes self fufilling prphecy
- Lemert: primary + secondary deviance
- Lemert: Secondary deviance = master status
- Deviance is a result of labelling
- J Young: Hippi Marujuana users in Notting Hill
- Downes and Rock - we cannot say becasue a person is labelled they become what they are labelled
- Social construction of crime
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