La famille
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?- Created by: nfawre
- Created on: 15-04-15 20:41
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- La Famille
- les membres
- (belle)mere
- (step)mother
- (beau)pere
- (step)father
- frere
- brother
- soeur
- sister
- grandmere
- grandmother
- grandpere
- grandfather
- oncle
- uncle
- tante
- aunt
- cousin(e)
- cousin
- fils
- son
- fille
- daughter
- niece
- niece
- neveu
- nephew
- (belle)mere
- phrases
- Il me traitent
- they treat me
- Ils manquent de l'experience
- They lack experience
- je (ne) m'entends (pas)
- I (don't) get on with
- c'est le comble
- it's the final straw
- ca suffit
- that's enough
- Je m'ecoute
- they listen to me
- je peux lui parler
- I can talk to him/her
- elle me donne des conseils
- she gives me advice
- je ne veux pas les decevoir
- I don't want to disappoint them
- Il me traitent
- les types de la famille
- se remarier
- to remarry
- se divorcer
- to divorce
- monoparentale
- single parent
- single parent family
- single parent
- la famille re-composee
- reconstituted family
- la famille monoparentale
- single parent family
- les PACs/Pact civil de solidarite
- same sex civil partnership
- le concubinage/ il vivre en cohabitation
- partners or cohabitating
- la famille nombreuse
- a family with lots of children
- enciente
- pregnant
- se remarier
- les autres choses
- copain
- boyfriend
- copine
- girlfriend
- le/la cadet(te)
- the youngest
- l'aine(e)
- the oldest
- fils/fille unique
- only child
- s'occuper
- to look after
- devenir
- to become
- elever
- to bring up
- grandir
- to grow up
- comportement
- behaviour
- compromis
- commitment
- se plaindre
- to complain
- la tendresse
- affection
- copain
- les membres