La Belle Dame Sans Merci
- Created by: elizabethhgill
- Created on: 11-05-15 08:40
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- La Belle Dame Sans Merci
- The beautiful woman without pity
- introduces enchanting but cruel lady
- set ominous tone - not usually expected from courtly ballads
- introduces enchanting but cruel lady
- Characters and voices
- Faery
- Speaks to knight in stanza 7
- Knight
- In all but 3 stanzas
- Narrator
- 1st Hand
- The Knight
- Knight
- In all but 3 stanzas
- Knight
- The Knight
- 1st Hand
- Old knights ghosts
- used to set edge of danger and warning
- Faery
- Scenes and places
- "cold hillside"
- Alone, sad
- "honey wild"
- Happy, with her
- "roots of relish sweet"
- Happy, with her
- "roots of relish sweet"
- "cold hillside"
- Keats
- The women in his poems are either a goddess or temptress
- Victorian times
- critism claimed his peoms were unsuitable for women because it contained ****** passages
- Imagery
- A lot of imagery embedded in nature
- Religious imagery
- Medieval imagery
- Structure
- Ballad
- A poem narrating a story in short stanzas
- follows the form of traditonal folk ballad
- A poem narrating a story in short stanzas
- Repetition of simple language
- keeps readers engaged
- serves traditional ballad purpose
- Ballad
- A poem narrating a story in short stanzas
- follows the form of traditonal folk ballad
- A poem narrating a story in short stanzas
- Ballad
- Ballad
- The beautiful woman without pity
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