KISS- Mindmap
- Created by: nowwithdiagraams
- Created on: 27-03-24 15:37
View mindmap
- Audience
- Appeal to a young, diverse audience
- Star Power
- Active audience
- Email in, text, call, follow, attend KISStory
- Hosted by Jordan and Perri from Diversity
- Jordan and Perri have a large following
- Industry
- Part of Bauer Media Group (BMG)
- Desire for media to be 'on-demand'
- 13-34 year olds have different media consumption
- Use of synergy to make them available across a wide range of platforms
- Allows audiences to listen 24/7 to compete with other streamers
- KISS uses convergence to stay relevant
- Strong media presence on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram
- Untitled
- Strong media presence on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram
- Audience
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