Government of the USSR under Khrushchev
- Created by: Safi
- Created on: 06-06-17 18:20
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- Khrushchev
- Nature of Government
- Decentralisation
- Increased regional power-105 councils
- Resulted in the Anti-Party group in 1957 led by Molotov and Malenkov, he outmanoeuvred them and retained power
- Increased regional power-105 councils
- Democratisation
- Division of the party into industry and agriculture, 1962
- Fixed terms for Senior communists (3 years)
- Initial power struggle
- Collective leadership with Malenkov and Beria
- De-Stalinisation
- Resumed regular meetings of the presidium and central committee
- Democratisation
- Party and gov officials no longer imprisoned for not meeting targets
- Secret police brought under party control and they lost control of the gulags
- End of political terror
- Execution of Beria
- 2 million prisoners released between 1953 and 60
- End of political terror
- Resumed regular meetings of the presidium and central committee
- Decentralisation
- Attitude of leader
- Secret speech, 1956
- Accused Stalin of being a tyrant and adopting a cult of personality
- Culture liberalisation
- Ended Stalin's system of personal rule
- Nature of Government
- Decentralisation
- Increased regional power-105 councils
- Resulted in the Anti-Party group in 1957 led by Molotov and Malenkov, he outmanoeuvred them and retained power
- Increased regional power-105 councils
- Division of the party into industry and agriculture, 1962
- Fixed terms for Senior communists (3 years)
- Initial power struggle
- Collective leadership with Malenkov and Beria
- De-Stalinisation
- Resumed regular meetings of the presidium and central committee
- Party and gov officials no longer imprisoned for not meeting targets
- Secret police brought under party control and they lost control of the gulags
- End of political terror
- Execution of Beria
- 2 million prisoners released between 1953 and 60
- End of political terror
- Resumed regular meetings of the presidium and central committee
- Decentralisation
- Movement of Stalin's body from public display, 1961
- Rejected cult of personality
- Attitude of leader
- Secret speech, 1956
- Accused Stalin of being a tyrant and adopting a cult of personality
- Culture liberalisation
- Ended Stalin's system of personal rule
- Movement of Stalin's body from public display, 1961
- Rejected cult of personality
- Rejected cult of personality
- Movement of Stalin's body from public display, 1961
- Allowed to retire
- Economic mistakes, Cuban missile crisis and his erratic and unpredictable behaviour
- Replaced Stalin's supporters with his own in Central Committee
- When he became the First Secretary in Sept 1953
- Disciple of Lenin
- Although he was head of both the party and government by 1958 he allowed debate
- Secret speech, 1956
- Attitude of leader
- Rejected cult of personality
- Nature of Government
- Allowed to retire
- Economic mistakes, Cuban missile crisis and his erratic and unpredictable behaviour
- Replaced Stalin's supporters with his own in Central Committee
- When he became the First Secretary in Sept 1953
- Disciple of Lenin
- Although he was head of both the party and government by 1958 he allowed debate
- Secret speech, 1956
- Terror
- Hungarian revolution
- Nature of Government
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