PE GCSE edexel muscular system key words
key words with definitions
- Created by: Gaby Fielding
- Created on: 09-05-13 09:55
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- key word muscular system
- agonist
- muscle contracting (prime mover)
- antagonist
- muscle relaxing
- antagonistic pairs
- while on muscle contracts the other relaxes to create movement
- e.g biceps and triceps or hamstrings and quadriceps
- while on muscle contracts the other relaxes to create movement
- isotonic muscle contraction
- contractions that result in movement
- think sports isotonic drink with movement
- contractions that result in movement
- atrophy
- muscle mass decreases
- isometric muscle contraction
- muscle tension is increased but length stays the same
- reversability
- any fitness or body adaptation will gradually reverse and lost when you stop training
- agonist
- contractions that result in movement
- think sports isotonic drink with movement
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