Computer systems
- Created by: Ashleigh Hockenhull
- Created on: 18-05-15 11:47
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- Computing Software
- System software
- operating system - a large collection of programs that tells the hardware what to do
- Multi-tasking - ensures that the processes get attended to by the CPU in the most efficient way
- Security - operating systems must protect processes from each other. they must also protect users from each other
- Interfaces: operating systems need to provide a way of communicating w them. this means making it possible for the user to issue commands & allowing applications to acces their functionality
- Peripheral Management - computer systems have peripherals in order to input, output & store data. the peripherals need to be told how to communicate w the rest of the computer system
- Utility Software
- security utilities
- spyware: malicious software that detects what a user is doing & sends the details back to the originator
- Firewalls: software and/or hardware that limits access to & from a computer system
- security utilities
- Maintenance utilities
- Disk organisation: the process of arranging files & data bytes on a secondary storage device
- Defragmenter: a utility that brings together file fragments on a disk & collects all the free space in one area
- System software
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