Macbeth, Bloody Chamber and Frankenstein Key Quotes
- Created by: Amber Trudgeon
- Created on: 20-11-12 16:57
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- Key Quotes
- Frankenstein
- "How dare you sport thus with life"
- "I am malicious because I am miserable"
- "The abrupt sides of vast mountains"
- "I ought the be thy Adam but I am rather thy fallen angel"
- "His countenance expressed the utmost extent of malice and treachery"
- "I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open"
- "Infuse a spark of being"
- "Breathless horror and disgust filled my heart"
- "The demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life"
- "Despise himself for being the slave of passion"
- "A man on the brink of destruction"
- Bloody Chamber
- Bloody Chamber
- "Put a single irreproachable bullet through my husband's head"
- "Into marriage; into exile"
- "Baby mustn't play with grown-ups toys"
- "Enough! No; more!"
- "A dozen husbands impaled a dozen brides"
- "Only the one who inflicted the pain could comfort me for suffering it"
- The Snow Child
- "She was the child of his desire and the Countess hated her"
- "Thrust his virile member into the dead girl"
- The Company of Wolves
- "She knew she was nobody's meat"
- The Werewolf
- "Beating her old carcass... Pelting it with stones"
- The Courtship of Mr Lyon
- "Miss Lamb, spotless, sacrificial"
- "Wild things have a greater fear of us than ours is of them"
- The Erl-King
- "Erl-king will do you grievous harm"
- "His touch both consoles and devastates me"
- The Lady of the House of Love
- "Her beauty is an abnormality
- The Tiger's Bride
- "Each stroke of his tongue ripped off skin after successive skin"
- "The lion will never lie down with the lamb"
- "Nothing about him reminded me of humanity"
- Bloody Chamber
- Macbeth
- "Is this a dagger I see before me?"
- "Out! Out, damned spot!"
- "A little water will wash us of this deed"
- "Consider it not so deeply"
- "I would/have/dashed the brains out"
- "Out, out, brief candle!"
- "Life/is a tale told by and idiot/signifying nothing"
- "A desolate place. Thunder and Lightning"
- "Come spirits, unsex me here!"
- "What's done cannot be undone"
- "My hands are of your colour, but I shame/to wear a heart so white"
- Frankenstein