The 1905 revolution build up
- Created by: amyap98
- Created on: 22-05-16 12:19
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- Why was there a revolution in Russia in 1905?
- Angry peasants
- Emancipation Decree 1881
- Mortgage repayment
- Famines 1891 and 1897
- Bloody Sunday
- 22nd January 1905
- Protesters shot on
- Increased opposition to the Tsar
- Repression
- Tsar continued repressive policies
- National Minorities angry - Russification
- The Russo-Japanese War
- Heighten the Tsar's weakness
- Heighten economic problems eg. inflation
- The Tsar
- Weak leader
- Repressive
- Lack of reform
- Angry workers
- Poor working conditions
- Poor living conditions
- No representa-tion
- Angry peasants
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