- Created by: 10cmurphy
- Created on: 07-04-17 11:50
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- Key events of October 1917 Revolution
- Important steps before October
- July Days-Lenin more emphasis on 'Peace, Land and Bread'
- Kornilov Revolt = more people convinced a military dictatorship would happen
- Lenin encouraged 41 Bolshevik newspapers
- Bolsheviks established Red Guards
- Bolsheviks dominated Petrograd Soviets
- Role of Trotsky
- Responsible for the coup
- Only joined Bolsheviks in May
- In charge of Military RevolutionaryCommittee
- Military Revolutionary Committee
- October 24-Prov Gov attempted to close 2 Bolshevik newspapers
- After attempt-Lenin ordered for take over of power to begin
- All Russia Soviet
- Delegates met-October 25-Bolsheviks dominated
- Supported the removal of the Prov Gov
- Made it easy for Lenin to try and consolidate power
- Storming the Winter Palace
- Red Guards occupied most of the important building
- October 25-Trotsky and Red Guards arrested majority of Prov Gov
- Limited resistance due to being defended by female troops and cadets
- Important steps before October
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