- Created by: rach3lparkinson
- Created on: 27-09-15 18:09
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- God is...
- omnipresent present everywhere at the same time
- omnipotent having unlimited power
- omniscient knowing everything
- omnibenevolent all loving or infinitly good
- God created everything
- he created the world in six days and rested on the seventh
- Which is why sunday is considered gods day and a day for rest
- He created humans in gods own image
- he created the world in six days and rested on the seventh
- a personal god
- God has human characteristics and we each have a relationship with him
- God responds to prayers
- Seen as 'merciful father' or 'mighty king'
- Antrophormic: having human characteristics
- An immanent God
- People can experience god in their lives
- He acts in history and influences events
- God is present in the universe and involoved with life on earth
- A transcendent God
- God is beyond and outside of life on earth and the universe
- god is not limited by time or space
- he existed before he creation of the universe so must be seperate
- A god who is eternal, almighty, all knowing must be beyond the world
- An impersonal God
- God is more of a force than a person
- God has no human characteristics
- God is an absolute being
- What is god really like?
- Many believers would say that God is all 4 of these
- Some would emphasize one description more than another
- Basically god is beyond human understanding
- Problems?
- IImmanent
- if god is 'in the world', does he become part of the world? How can he have created the world?
- Transcendent
- If the god is remote and separate, how can people relate to God?
- Personal
- How can god be everywhere at the same time, care for all and answer prayers if he is a person?
- IMpersoal
- How can people have a meaningful relationship with a 'force' or 'impersonal spirit'?
- IImmanent
- God is...
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