Kenilworth Castle Function
- Created by: kiran5783
- Created on: 29-11-18 17:43
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- Kenilworth Castle's Function Over Time
- 1100s-1300s
- 1120s- Geoffrey de Clinton built the first castle at Kenilworth
- Henry I had the power to grant noblemen land to demonstrate his wealth and status
- Clever location made it ideal for defence- difficult for attackers to undermine or climb up, natural water defences
- Situated on major medieval routes to London and Coventry- admin and tax, passing trade
- Counter Earl of Warwick's influence in the region who had Warwick Castle
- 1173- Royal Castle
- Kenilworthwas so powerful and strategically important that Henry II took it as a royal castle
- Given to Simon de Montfort who turned out to be a rebel baron
- Great Siege of 1266- not possible to undermined to water defences so barons finally surrendered due to starvation
- Six months- longest siege in English history
- 1361- Palatial Castle
- Passed to John of Gaunt who became Duke of Lancaster-most powerful man in England after the king and had connections to the English and Castilian royal family
- Role of castles changing in the 14th century- expansion of nobles meant existing nobles took a greater interest in being seen at a high status
- Gaunt modernised kitchens so they were easily adjoined to Great Hall so food would be served hot in banquets
- Hub for rich and powerful men in England so Gaunt would be central to all business
- Lavish Great Hall with well-lit oriels and impressive floor to ceiling windows
- Kenilworthwas no longer needed for battle
- Sophistication of the architecture embodies Gaunr's princely status and regal aspirations
- 1120s- Geoffrey de Clinton built the first castle at Kenilworth
- 1500s
- Elizabeth I gave the castle to Dudley,who was her favourite
- Dudley made extensive alterations to the keep, built Leicester's Gatehouse and Leicester's building
- Elizabeth visited Kenilworth for 17 days in 1575 with great pageants and royal entertainment in order for Dudley to 'woo' her
- Dudley built the Elizabeth privy garden with fashionable views inspiredby Europe
- 1600s-Civil War
- After Dudley died, the castle returned to royal control and remained a royal palace
- Kenilworth was abandoned by royalists in early 1642 and garrisoned by parliament for the rest of the war
- Kenilworth was taken by the Palimentarian Amy in the first month of the Civil War
- In 1649, Kenilworth was no longer receiving substantial action and Parliament did not want the cost of maintaining a garrison
- Regimeorderedthe castle to be made 'untenable' so the north wall of the keep was destroyed and the outer curtain wall breached
- 1700s-19
- Visiting the ruins became fashionable after the publication of Sir Walter Scott's novel Kenilworth in 1821
- Farm
- After Kenilworth was slightedit became Castle Farm by Hawkesworth
- In the 20th century the castle became a full-time tourist attraction
- 1400s
- Hernry VIII picked Kenilworth as one of four royal castles to keep in good repair
- Henry V ordered the buildingthe Pleasance as a retreat- pleasure gardens and royal apartment on the other end of the mere
- Was a place for the king to be isolated from normal duties and enjoy the beautiful views
- 1100s-1300s
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