Examine Buddhist teachings on the experience of the arahant in this world and beyond death.
- Created by: ashleygreenwood
- Created on: 03-05-16 14:19
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- Examine Buddhist teachings on the experience of the arahant in this world and beyond death.
- Qualitites of an Arahant in this world.
- They have destroyed the 5 hindrances.
- Lustful desires, hatred, laziness, worry and doubts.
- They have fully developed all the 7 factors of enlightenment
- They are free from fear and craving.
- They may experience physical pain but no mental anguish.
- They have become the perfect human with perfectly calm speech, mind and behaviour.
- They are worthy of great respect, they have fully completed spiritual training.
- An arahant is in its final stage when all remaining defilements are removed.
- They have destroyed the 5 hindrances.
- Qualities of an Arahant after death.
- All personality factors come to an end.
- They no longer have rebirths into the wheel of samsara.
- When asked the question 'what happens at the death of an arahant?' Buddha declared this was one of the undeterminedquestions.
- Having destroyed all causes of rebirth their indefinable state is beyond death rather than after death.
- It is beyond normal comprehension. When all phenomina are removed, then all ways of describing are also removed.
- Introduction
- An Arahant means 'worthy one' and it is someone who exists in both is world and the next (beyond death)
- They are 3 types of Arahants.
- A stream enterer. These are on their way to Nibbana.
- A once-returner, who have more than one rebirth.
- A non-returner, someone who can attain Nibbana in this life.
- Qualitites of an Arahant in this world.
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