Jung's theory
Mindmap explaining briefly Jung's main theories of religion
- Created by: Labake
- Created on: 12-05-14 21:27
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- Jung's theory
- Collective Unconscious
- Container for Archetypes- blueprints of all beliefs, ideas and images
- "Two million year old man in your head" From evolutionary times
- We all have it "collective" so there's similarities between our cultures and religions
- Archetypes
- Experiences of the collective unconscious projecting into mind
- For process of individuation
- The process of growing into a mentally healthy adult and you grow and focus more on the internal than the external
- For process of individuation
- Inherited, Intellectual, Universal, Innate
- Untitled
- Non religious- Shadow and Persona
- Experiences of the collective unconscious projecting into mind
- God Archetype
- Projects religious images into subconscoius through dreams leading to a more religious outlook and molar compass
- Untitled
- Projects religious images into subconscoius through dreams leading to a more religious outlook and molar compass
- Self Archetype
- God-Self archetype, religious images represent wholeness e.g. "Buddha" promotes religous and psychological balance
- Untitled
- God-Self archetype, religious images represent wholeness e.g. "Buddha" promotes religous and psychological balance
- Collective Unconscious
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