Judiciary, Europe and the Judiciary
- Created by: AliceMcNaughton
- Created on: 26-03-19 12:47
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- judiciary
- stereotype
- white pale male old
- very traditional
- etonians, very little diversity amongst them
- lady hale, one of the 2 wome in the supreme court
- need a more diverse body of justice in the uk
- white pale male old
- what do judges do?
- have to interpret the law
- there are 12 judges in the supreme court
- listen to judges from devolved bodies
- 1. settle disputes over human rights
- 2. conduct judicial reviews
- 3.look at the EU and british law
- too big for their wigs
- unelected body
- democratic deficit
- parliament had to decide rulings about brexit ruled the supreme court in 2018
- may tried to use prerogative powers and failed
- parliament had to decide rulings about brexit ruled the supreme court in 2018
- didn't have the right to freeze the assets of suspected terrorists
- democratic deficit
- parliament had to decide rulings about brexit ruled the supreme court in 2018
- may tried to use prerogative powers and failed
- parliament had to decide rulings about brexit ruled the supreme court in 2018
- democratic deficit
- too big for their wigs
- 3.look at the EU and british law
- 2. conduct judicial reviews
- different courts
- supreme court
- highest in the land
- very narrow minded court
- gender, social background, education
- women have been encouraged to join the supreme court
- often white privately educated males
- only 1 female on a divorce case in 2010, men didn't think about how it would affect the woman
- gender, social background, education
- very narrow minded court
- decides whether the govt are acting within its legal powers
- supreme court has been separated from parliament
- sign of independence
- supreme court has been separated from parliament
- highest in the land
- the court of appeal
- people can challenge the govt
- the bedroom tax in 2016, the govt lost
- high court
- appeal lower down decisions
- the factortame case in 1991
- uk merchant fishing was conflicting with the eu laws
- the uk law was set aside establishing the eu law was superior
- uk merchant fishing was conflicting with the eu laws
- the factortame case in 1991
- appeal lower down decisions
- crown court
- often in cities
- deal with crimes such as murder ****
- magistrates court
- petty crimes such as theft
- supreme court
- Role of the judiciary
- declare common law
- develop case law
- check all law is applied equally to all bodies
- review decisions made by the government
- protect civil liberties by enforcing the echr
- complete public enquiries
- hillsborough disaster
- occurred in 1989, was found the police to be responsible
- no single body is above the law
- occurred in 1989, was found the police to be responsible
- judicial review
- dealing with constitutional changes
- hillsborough disaster
- complete public enquiries
- protect civil liberties by enforcing the echr
- review decisions made by the government
- check all law is applied equally to all bodies
- develop case law
- they do also agree with the government on some occasions
- agreed with stop and search to stop knife crime
- gina miller fought to give parliament a say in brexit
- govt can't invoke article 50 unless parliaments approval is there
- the supreme court were then vilified
- govt can't invoke article 50 unless parliaments approval is there
- the high overturned the abolition of tuition fees
- declare common law
- stereotype
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