Judaism: Celebrations

All these mindmaps are the AQA revision guide condensed further so everything is very condesed and simple 

I printed mine on A3 paper as i found it v difficult to use online and A4 was wayyy too small making the bubbles unreadable 

Beware of the typos I was too lazy to fix them whoops 

Enjoy the revison :)

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  • Rosh Hashanah
    • Judaism: Festivals
      • Yom Kippur
        • origins + meaning
          • day of atonement - holiest day in the calendar
          • Leviticus 16:30 "atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you of all your sins"
          • Gods judgements finalised on this day =  last chance to repent sins
        • Observance
          • Attending services in the synagogue
            • focus on asking god to forgive sins = restore relationship
            • take part in general confession as a community
            • During the final service, jews are given one last chance to confess - doors of the ark closed = Gods judgement sealed
          • Observing other rituals
            • Jews fast for 25 hours and do no work
            • wear white = purity
            • Bathing, wearing leather shoes + sex = forbidden
      • Pesach
        • Origin
          • celebrate Jews' escape from egypt
          • remembers the final plague that God sent to egypt to persuade the Pharaoh to release the jews
            • Killed the firstborn son of the Egyptians but "passed over" the houses of jewish slaves
        • Importance
          • Celebrates the escape from egypt to create the birth of the jewish nation
          • Jews give thanks to God for their redemption + feel empathy for those still under opression
        • Preparations
          • remove leaven (yeast) from the home = recalls how the jews did not have time to let their bread rise as they fled egypt
          • After cleaning, parents hide bread crumbs to find + burn = leaven removed
          • some firstborn males fast = thanks escape from death
        • The Passover Seder
          • First evening of Pesach = families celebrate with a meal
          • during the meal, the youngest member asks 4 Qs about the meaning of rituals so, the story of the escape is told from the Haggadah
          • Red wine
            • a reminder of the lambs blood on the doorpost which saved children from the plague
            • 4 glasses of wine are blessed = the 4 freedoms God promised in Exodus 6:6-7
          • Unleavened bread
            • fulfils Gods command to celebrate the escape from erupt by eating the bread 7 days of the year (Exodus 12:15)
            • some of the bread is hidden for the children to hide
          • On the Seder Plate
            • a green vegetable to dip in salt water = new life in the promised land  + tears shed in slavery
            • two bitter herbs = bitterness of slavery
            • Charoset (a sweet paste) = the mortar jews had to use when slaves, but now life is sweeter
            • an egg + and lamb bone = the sacrifices made in the Temple of Jerusalem
    • Origins + Meaning
      • remembers Gods creation of the world
      • a day of judgement: God weights up a persons actions over the last year, deciding their fortune of the year to come
      • anniversary of the day in which God created humans
    • Observance
      • Improving Gods judgement
        • Gods judgement can be influenced by behaviour during the festival
        • they pray, do charity work, in order to make up for any mishaps over the past year
      • Celebrating at home
        • the day before, families prepare
        • the evening of Rosh Hashanah,families share a meal
        • symbolic foods e.g. apples dipped in honey = sewn year
      • Attending services at the synagogue
        • at the evening service, prayers are said asking God to continue being the king of the world
        • Next morning: rams horn blown 100 times followed by a longer service with special prayers




Thank you for this!!!! <3



this is confusuing



hi everyone

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