JUDAISM-Key wods
- Judaism beliefs and practices key words and deffinitions
- Created by: Gracehayes
- Created on: 28-04-18 15:47
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- Abraham-Father of jewish people.
- God as one- The belief their is only one God
- Free will- Given to the people by God allowing them to do as they wish, aware of the responsibilities this comes with.
- Aron hakodesh- The ark (Holiest part of synagogue, contains Torah)
- Judge- God is fair.
- Creator- Belief that God created the earth from nothing.
- Charity- 10% of money to those in need.
- Kosher- Food seen acceptable and clean by Jews.
- Bat Mitzvah- Celebration of girl turning age 12.
- The Covenant- Gods Agreement to look after the Jewish people.
- Brit Milah-Circumcision to boys often eight days after birth(The boy then becomes A member of the Jewish People of God
- Liberal Judaism- Combination of traditional and beliefs and practices with modern interpretations
- Reform Judaism- Jews who believe the Torah is inspired by God and they may adapt laws as modern life changes.
- Orthodox Judaism- The belief that God gave the complete Torah to Moses and obide by traditional jewish beliefs and teachings.
- Reform Judaism- Jews who believe the Torah is inspired by God and they may adapt laws as modern life changes.
- Bimah- Stand where Torah is read.
- Bar Mitzvah- Celebration of boy turning age 13.
- Tikun Olam- Jewish belief to make the world a better place
- Mount Sinai-Where Gods giving of the laws to Moses and is where the covenant between God and Israel believed to of taken place
- Merciful-The belief that God is compasionate
- Messiah-'the anointed one'. Orthodox Jews believe that the Messiah will be sent by God to bring peace and justice to earth. Unlike reform Jews who believe the Messiah is a symbolic figure (Not a real person).
- Mitzvot-613 Jewish rules.
- Moses- Set free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, God gave the ten commandments to Moses.
- Ner Tamid- The ever burning light, It is burnt in front of the the aron hakodesh and burns continuously as a symbol of God.
- The Oral law(Tamlud)-Jews believe was a law given to God by Moses.
- Pesach- Festival (Known by non-jews as passover) celebrated in spring that celebrates the freedom of jewish slaves in Egypt.
- Pikuach Nefresh- The meaning of saving a life which is the most important law to jews and overrides all other jews.
- Resurrection-The belief that many Jews will rise from their graves to live.
- Rosh Hashana- The Jewish new year. The start of the 10 day period of high holy days that marks the begining of Gods judgement of his people
- Shabbat- Holy day of the week (Friday to saturday)
- Sanctity of human life- That life is a precious gift from God and should not be taken away without a just cause.
- Shekhinah- The divine presence, the idea that God is A being beyond human.
- Synagogue-Means 'coming together', Jewish place of worship.
- Tenakh- The books that comprise the Jewish scriptures into 3 sections.
- 10 Commandments- Moral rules given to Moses by God
- Trefah- Forbidden food
- Yom Kippur- A day of penitence and fasting.
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