- Created by: R4U.28
- Created on: 08-03-18 21:31
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- Worship
- One God.
- Place of Worship.
- Synagogue.
- Rabbi Spiritual Leader.
- Synagogue.
- Prayer.
- Kippah Head covering worn by men.
- Shema Major prayer which confirms Oneness of God.
- Siddur Daily prayer book.
- People
- Abraham.
- Father of many nations.
- Father of Isaac and Jacob.
- Moses.
- Brought up by Pharaohs wife.
- Spoke with God directly.
- Torah The five books of Moses.
- Leader of people at the time of Exodus.
- Led people out from the persecution of Pharaoh.
- Abraham.
- Festivals/ Customs
- Bar Mitzvah When a boy turns 13 and a girl turns 12 a celebration is held for them coming into adulthood.
- Circumcision performed on all Jewish boys usually on the 8th day after birth.
- Mohel person who performs circumcision.
- Hanukkah An important holiday however was not part of the Scriptures. It celebrates the victory over the Syrian-Greek rulers of Jerusalem by the Maccabees and the Temples rededication in 164 BC.
- Pesach (Passover) It is one of 3 biblical pilgrim festivals. Celebrated in Spring It commemorates the Exodus.
- Sukkot Another one of the biblical festivals. It is celebrated in Autumn.
- Shavuot A celebration that remembers the day that God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel gathered at Mount Sinai.
- Counting of the Omer 7 week period that starts on the 2nd day of Passover.
- Pesach (Passover) It is one of 3 biblical pilgrim festivals. Celebrated in Spring It commemorates the Exodus.
- Sukkot Another one of the biblical festivals. It is celebrated in Autumn.
- Shavuot A celebration that remembers the day that God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel gathered at Mount Sinai.
- Counting of the Omer 7 week period that starts on the 2nd day of Passover.
- Counting of the Omer 7 week period that starts on the 2nd day of Passover.
- Shavuot A celebration that remembers the day that God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel gathered at Mount Sinai.
- Seder home based meal where Exodus is recounted.
- Sukkot Another one of the biblical festivals. It is celebrated in Autumn.
- Pesach (Passover) It is one of 3 biblical pilgrim festivals. Celebrated in Spring It commemorates the Exodus.
- Counting of the Omer 7 week period that starts on the 2nd day of Passover.
- Shavuot A celebration that remembers the day that God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel gathered at Mount Sinai.
- Seder home based meal where Exodus is recounted.
- Sukkot Another one of the biblical festivals. It is celebrated in Autumn.
- Rosh Hashanah Jewish Nnew Year.
- Yom Kippur Day of Fast It occurs on the 10th day of the New Year.
- Shabbat Day to revive spirituality. Starts sunset Friday and ends at the sunset on Saturday.
- Havdalah Ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat.
- Halakah code of conduct in all aspects of Jewish life
- Kosher food That food which is allowed according to their laws.
- Holocaust In the Second World War more than 6 million people were murdered by the Nazis.
- More than 15 million people follow the religion.
- Religious Symbol Star of David.
- Worship
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