Jesus the Liberator
- Created by: ekenny5
- Created on: 06-03-22 11:03
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- Jesus the Liberator
- Jesus could be seen as someone who wanted to free people from social convention, religious restriction and political dominion
- free people from sin and death
- a figure of controversy and conflict with authorities
- Challenge to Political Authority
- 'he will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked'
- Isaiah 11:1 prophesising God sending the Jews a saviour
- the Jews were expecting a warrior king - the Messiah
- Aslan - the Early Church tried to hide the presentation of Jesus as a revolutionary to protect themselves from persecution
- the way Jesus was understood by his followers changed over time
- S.G.F Brandon
- links between Jesus and the Zealots (Simon the Zealot was a disciple) - one of the first terrorist groups in history leading open conflict against the Romans
- Judas was known as Judas Iscarii -'dagger men'
- Jesus was labelled 'King' when he was arrested, and put to death on civic crimes, not religious ones
- he could have been executed as a possible revolutionary
- 'he will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked'
- Jesus Rejecting Violent Revolution
- condemning Peter for cutting off a guards ear in Gethsemane
- 'Blessed are the peacemakers' Matthew 5:9
- 'my kingdom is not of this world'
- A Social Revolutionary
- The Good Samaritan parable shows Jesus' active engagement in challenging oppression
- spent time with the poor, sick and the outcasts, and also tax collectors, who were seen as evil in society for maintaining the Roman system
- he was prepared to act against authority, disputing the Temple becoming a marketplace
- executed alongside bandits on the cross
- Liberation Theology
- Gustavo Gutierrez founded LT, a Christian theology developed mainly in Latin America
- RC attempting to address problems of poverty and injustice
- 'blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven' Matthew 5:3
- Jesus' preferential treatment of the poor
- 'blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven' Matthew 5:3
- RC attempting to address problems of poverty and injustice
- Camilo Torres Respero, a Colombian priest who sided with the communist guerilla group in resistance against government
- 'The liberation which Jesus offered is universal and integral'
- James Cone wrote 'Black theology and Black Power in 1969 against Malcolm X's philosophy that Christianity is a white man's religion
- Jesus himself was oppressed, and was ontologically black, and God chose for Jesus to identify with black people
- 'Black power is the message of Christ himself'
- Jesus himself was oppressed, and was ontologically black, and God chose for Jesus to identify with black people
- In Latin America, Mary is seen as an inspirational single mother coping with failure, which is the reality of many women
- Gustavo Gutierrez founded LT, a Christian theology developed mainly in Latin America
- Challenge to Religious Authority
- he was opposed to the people who ran the Temple - the Sadducees
- challenged the role of money changers in the temple as they were making money off of a religious obligation
- he had conflict with the Sanhedrin, the supreme court of Jerusalem, made up of chief priests
- EP Sanders said Jesus sometimes disagreed with the application of the law but did not seriously break Jewish Law
- something Jesus said or did triggered a separation of the Jewish religion, some remaining Jewish and some becoming Catholics
- he was opposed to the people who ran the Temple - the Sadducees
- Jesus could be seen as someone who wanted to free people from social convention, religious restriction and political dominion
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