Jazz Technology
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?- Created by: hannahvlouise
- Created on: 22-02-16 17:06
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- Jazz Technology
- The Beginning (1920s)
- Originated in New Orleans
- Musicians moved to big cities such as NY and Chicago
- Wider audiences were reached through the use of gramophones and later radios
- Development fuelled by competition between record companies
- Originally recorded using a recording horn
- Most important soloist would sit nearest the horn
- Louder instruments would sit further away
- Originated in New Orleans
- Limitations of acoustic recording
- Had to be made in one take, otherwise mistakes would be left in or recording would be scrapped
- Output reduced during WWII as shellac used for ammunition
- Recording horn meant that people had to be cramped in a small space so horn could pick up all instruments
- Recording Contracts
- Prices dropped in 1934 due to stiff competition between labels
- Available to a wider audience
- Aug. 1942 recording ban imposed by American Fed. of Musicians
- Banned recording of music that didn't contribute to war effort
- Real reason was dispute over royalties
- Caused musicians to stockpile recordings, no ban on releasing pre-recorded material
- Could only perform music live on radio/concerts
- Amusement Tax increased cost of venues by 20%, fewer people attended as ticket prices had to increase
- Prices dropped in 1934 due to stiff competition between labels
- Microphones, Multi-Tracking and Tape Editing
- RCA ribbon invented 1925
- Better quality than recording horn
- Hierarchical system remained
- Quantity of output limited, shellac still used
- Multi-tracking used more after invention of magnetic tape
- Recording several parts at the same time or separately then combining later on
- Began with 2-4 parts, by late 1940s 30+ could be recorded
- Each part could have volumes and sounds adjusted, better than hierarchical method
- Tape recording developed, could be done in multiple takes and pieced together
- Made recording onto discs obsolete, new method more reliable and provided flexibility
- Stereo recording popular in late 1950s, created surround sound effect
- RCA ribbon invented 1925
- Sound Engineers
- Career created by invention of tape editing
- Responsible for multiple microphones, recording onto tapes and editing the final product
- The Beginning (1920s)