Jane Eyre chpt 28
- Created by: jojo10834
- Created on: 25-02-16 18:13
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- Jane Eyre chpt 28
- Language direct and unsentimental reflects mental state
- Chapter full of Pathos makes the reader pity her
- Show’s Jane at her most vulnerable and weakest point
- The wildness juxtaposes the domestic atmosphere of the Rivers cottage
- Page 373 Jane creates her own God who has unlimited power to help her
- Jane is highly emotional at this point due to the situation she is in
- Romanticism movement
- Natures ability to teach morality
- “I reflected. I was driven to the point now. I was brought face to face with Necessity.” Page 375
- Personification emphasis lack of power and her position in society
- “'I began once more to know myself;'"
- Seen to be a criminal and bigger Jane’s personality is back
- Treatment of Jane throughout this chapter shows the lack of concern for the lower/ workingclass in the 19th century
- Untitled
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